Set & persist Google DNS server in WSL2

Kumar Abhishek's avatar Kumar Abhishek 1 min read 💻

Here is how you setup an alternative DNS server (like. Google DNS) on WSL2 and persist it between WSL restart:

  1. Create the WSL config file (if it does not already exist): /etc/wsl.conf
  2. Enter the following lines to preserve the DNS config between restarts:
    generateResolvConf = false
  3. Shutdown WSL and start again by running the following command in Windows terminal: wsl --shutdown
  4. Edit (or, create) the file /etc/resolv.conf:
    1. Comment any other line that starts with “nameserver”.
    2. Enter the following lines:
  5. Restart WSL again after running the following command in Windows terminal: wsl --shutdown
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