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Yet another 11ty plugin to embed CodePens into you pages. The other plugins that I had seen use CodePen’s preferred Javascript based embeds. It requires loading an external Javascript (though, a small one) into your page. The Codepen embed Javascript finally creates an <iframe>
I wanted a more efficient solution for my blog by directly embedding the Pen’s iFrame; therefore I wrote this plugin.
Usage §
STEP 1: Install the plugin:
npm install --save-dev @manustays/eleventy-plugin-codepen-iframe
STEP 2: Include it in your .eleventy.js
config file:
const embedCodePen = require("@manustays/eleventy-plugin-codepen-iframe");
module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(embedCodePen, {
tabs: "js,result"
⚠ You’re only allowed one module.exports in your configuration file! If one already exists, copy the content of the above into your existing module.exports function.
STEP 3 – Use it in your templates like this:
{% CodePen "", "result", "220" %}
Config Options §
These options set the default values for embedded Pens. They can be overridden while embedding individual Pens.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
tabs | string | “result” | Default comma-separated string of the tabs of the codepen to display |
height | number | 300 | Default height of Pen iFrames |
width | string | “100%” | Default width of Pen iFrames |
theme | string | “dark” | Default theme for all Pens |
user | string | “” | CodePen user-id to use if only Pen-id is provided |
class | string | “codepen” | CSS classes to add to the iFrame |
Demo §
Check it out live in my other post A Regular Expression to filter invalid names